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Version: 4.2


Collecting data through MQTT to supOS is supported. During the process, supOS is acting as the MQTT broker and a client.

Adding Collector

  1. Log in to supOS, and then click at the upper-right corner to go to the design center.
  2. Select Collection Node Management > Authentication.
  3. Click , and then enter the corresponding information to add a collector.
  4. Set the Style to IOT gateway, and select the Timestamp to be recorded in the data.
  1. Click OK.

Configuring MQTT Connection

Connecting MQTT Client

  1. On the MQTT client, connect to the supOS.

The port set for supOS MQTT broker is 32566.

  1. Set the topic /{auth token}/{endpoint id}/{endpoint name}/{method name}/{direction} to send tag data to supOS according to MQTT Integration.

    Different topics for different requests have been defined.

Encoding MQTT Message

  • Data encoding protocol is using ProtoBuf. Only encoded data can be received and parsed by supOS.
  • Encoding program can be diversified. In this section, Python is used as an example.
  1. Copy the data protocol you need from MQTT Data Protocol and paste to a XXX.proto file in PyCharm.
  1. Download file from Github.
  2. Decompress the package and add the .bin path to system environment variables through This PC > Properties > Advanced system settings.

    You can use protoc --version in CMD to check whether it is successfully downloaded.

  3. Use protoc to compile the data protocol defined by supOS.
protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --python_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/XXX.proto

For details, see Python Tutorial.

  1. Use the generated file to write a script to encode the tag data.
import binascii
import metatag_pb2

# Create a MetaTagSequence
metatag = metatag_pb2.MetaTagSequence()

# Create and add the first MetaTag
metatag1 = metatag.tags.add()
metatag1.version = 1 = "exampleTag1"
metatag1.showName = "exampleTag1"
metatag1.description = "new"
metatag1.type = metatag_pb2.ValueType.Integer

# Create and add the second MetaTag
metatag2 = metatag.tags.add()
metatag2.version = 1 = "exampleTag2"
metatag2.showName = "exampleTag2"
metatag2.description = "new"
metatag2.type = metatag_pb2.ValueType.Integer

# Serialize the MetaTagSequence
serialized_data = metatag.SerializeToString()

# Print the entire MetaTagSequence and the serialized data in hexadecimal format
  1. Copy the serialized code.

Authenticating Collector

  1. Paste the encoded code to MQTT client and send it to supOS broker.
  2. Under Collection Node Management > Status, find the collector node, and click Agree under operation.
  3. Go to Object Model Management > Object Instance, select Collector Template and find the instance with the name as the collector node you authenticated.

Sending Real-time Data

Encoding Real-time Data

  1. Encode real-time tag data in Python.
import binascii
import metatag_pb2

# Create a MetaTagSequence
namedvalue = metatag_pb2.ValueSequence()

# Create and add the first MetaTag
rtdvalue1 = namedvalue.values.add() = "exampleTag1"
rtdvalue1.value.dblVal = 89
rtdvalue1.value.quality = 2

rtdvalue2 = namedvalue.values.add() = "exampleTag2"
rtdvalue2.value.dblVal = 32.59
rtdvalue1.value.quality = 8

# Serialize the MetaTagSequence
serialized_data = namedvalue.SerializeToString()

# Print the entire MetaTagSequence and the serialized data in hexadecimal format
  1. Copy the code and paste it to MQTT client as message.
  2. Set the topic /{auth token}/{endpoint id}/{endpoint name}/rtdvalue/report, and send the message to supOS.
  3. Check the instance attribute values to see if they match.

    Hover over the attribute value to check the quality code (Status Code).