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Version: 4.2
  1. Under Object Model Management > Object Instance, select the Furnace template, and then click New to add an instance.

Click View Instance at the upper-right corner on the template information page to directly view instances under the corresponding template.

  1. Enter the basic information of the instance Furnace A.

Optional parameters can be left as empty.

  1. Click Attribute, and then add Humidty and Pressure as attributes of Furnace A.
  2. Set the value of Furnace A attributes and inherited attribute Temperature under Other Attributes.
    1. Select an attribute (Humidity), click Binding Relationship under Data Sources, and then select a Type Of Data Processing.
      • Associative Binding: Click Select attribute and select the attribute that represents humidity to bind data source. You can also add formula and external attributes to do initial data processing.
        details you should know
        • Compariosn operators: When comparison operators are used in a formula, a boolean value is returned. For example: PROP(“system.Template_3623.Instance_429.system.Property_3941”) returns the property value, and PROP(“system.Template_3623.Instance_429.system.Property_3941”) < 5 returns true or false.
        • Condition expression: x=expression1?expression2:expression3. For example: min=(a<b)?a:b means if a < b, min = a, otherwise, min = b. a nd b must be the same data type.
      • Attribute Aggregation Statistics: Select the humidity attribute, and set rules of aggregate statistics to process the value.
        Start Time/End TimeBegin and end time of a calculation. The calculation continues if the end time is left empty till the data source is manually cleared.
        Statistical PeriodCalculation runs at each cycle.
        For example, set it to 1 hour, the calculation returns a result every hour and the return time is displayed as the cycle beginning.
        Marking CycleChanges return time of results.
        For example, the maximum value is returned at 12:00:00, set Marking Cycle to Delay 1 Statistical Period, and then the result is returned at 13:00:00 in display.
        Statistical MethodsCalculate the instant, maximum, minimum, average, sum and difference value of the selected attribute.
        Statistics ConfigurationOnly available when calculating instant value.
        • Calculation Begin: The first instant value calculated in each cycle is returned.
        • Calculation End: The last instant value calculated in each cycle is returned.
        Instantaneous TimeOnly available when calculating instant value. Changes the return time of results to the exact time.
        For example, an instant value is returned at 12:31:09, select Instantaneous Time, and then the result is returned at 12:31:09 instead of the begin time of a calculation cycle.
        Max. Time/Min. TimeOnly available when calculating maximum or minimum value. Select it to change the return time of results to the exact time.
        Back to 0 RuleEnable it to eliminate the influence on data that has make zero principle. For example, collect values of a water meter. Last month, it read 3L, this month it reads 7L. When the value goes to 0, with the rule enabled, the collected value will be the difference between restored value (7L) -3L; Otherwise, the difference will be negative (0-3=-3).

        Instantaneous Time, Max. Time and Min. Time are mutually exclusive with Marking Cycle.

    2. Set related expressions or rules of data process, and then click OK.
  • On Attributes list, hover over the attribute Value to view its Value, Status Code and Generation Time.
Status CodeDescription
8000000000000000Data connection error
4000000000000000Calculation error
2000000000000000Data quality error
1000000000000000No permission
800000000000000Only Keep-Alive messages are received
100000000000000Time series data exceeds authorized limit and the current tag does not have authorized quota
  • The status code will be Quality Code during data dump.
  1. (Optional) Under Services, Events and Subscriptions, create services, events and subscriptions as needed.