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Version: 4.2

This chapter introduces all elements the supOS platform provides for workflow creation.


Starts the workflow.

Node type
  • Start event: Directly start the workflow.
  • Signal start: Binds with an event and the workflow is triggered when the event takes place.
Start on mobileEnable it and then you can initiate the workflow on mobile clients.

Only available when setting Node type to Start event.

Event type
  • Interrupt: When the bound event takes place, the sub-process which contains the signal start is triggered, and the main process is interrupted.
  • No interrupt: When the bound event takes place, the sub-process which contains the signal start is triggered, and the main process continues.

Only available when setting Node type to Signal start.

Signal sourceSelect an event that triggers the workflow.

Only available when setting Node type to Signal start.

  • For Start event, the workflow is directly initiated. We recommend to start a user task with the initiator as the executor for the next step. When the workflow is started, the user task is executed by default.
  • If the executor of the next step after Start event is not the initiator, when starting the workflow, the form of the step after.


Timer Event

A timer event sets the deadline time of current task or the last task. It can be used in following ways:

  • Place it between two tasks, and the second task only starts when reaching the set time.
  • Place it on a task, and if the task is finished before the set time, the timer becomes invalid; if not, the subsequent branch task of the timer is triggered.
Event type
  • Interrupt: The current task executor cannot proceed the workflow after reaching the set time, and the subsequent branches of the timer proceed.
  • No interrupt: The current task executor can proceed the workflow after reaching the set time.

Only available when placing the timer on a task.

PageSelect a page that links with the timer and when reaching the set time, the linked page is triggered.
Time VariableSelect a time field from the linked page to be the trigger time of the timer.

Only effective for times between tasks.

Signal Event

Normally it is used in pairs between main and sub processes with the same signal source bound. One event throws a signal after completing the current workflow and another event catches the signal and starts corresponding workflow.

Event type
  • Throw: The event throws a signal when the current workflow finishes.
  • Catch: The event catches the signal from another signal event and starts corresponding workflow.
Signal sourceSelect an event that triggers the workflow.

Only available when setting Node type to Signal start.


Task Description

Set specific tasks in the workflow.

Node type
  • User task: Specific tasks in the workflow.
  • Countersign task: Used for approval where multiple personnels are involved. The workflow will only proceed when all personnels submit the task.
  • Service task: Binds and executes object services.
PageSelect a page that links with the task and when the workflow proceeds to the step, the linked page is triggered.
Read OnlyEnable it and the linked page of this task cannot be edited.
Ignore conditionSelect fields from the last step to set conditions, and when

The first task cannot set Ignore condition.

ExecutorClick Config and select executors and their types.

When setting multiple people as executors, all of them will receive a to do event. One of them submits the event and all to-do events are done.

Informed personSelect a person to be informed when the workflow comes to this step.
Event bindingSelect an event, and the workflow proceeds to the next step when the event is triggered.
Enable commentSelect whether to display the remark input box at the bottom of linked pages.
Display remarksSelect whether to display process log icon at the upper-right corner of linked pages during approval.
RevocableSelect whether to enable recalling complete processes by displaying a Recall button at the upper-left

Only available for User task.

View on mobileEnable it and then you can view the workflow on mobile clients.
Allow notificationEnable it to allow adding informed person during operation center when executor start the task.
New countersignSelect whether to allow submitter to add more personnel to countersign the current task.

Only available for Countersign task.

AsyncEnable it, the service task is executed independently at the backend and the workflow proceeds. We recommend enabling it for

Only available for Service task.

ServiceSelect an object service, it will be executed when the task is submitted and if the service fails, the task cannot be successfully submitted.
MailEnable notification mails sent to users of the last step after submitting the task.

Task Executor Configuration

This section demonstrates the process of configuring task executors.

  1. Click Config next to Executor, and then click New.
  2. On the added record, click the drop-down list under Type, and then click Select to select executors.
    • When selecting Staff, if cross company is enabled for the workflow, you can select staff from other companies.
    • When selecting Role, Department and Position, all staff linked to the role, department and position are set to the task executors.
  1. Set restrictions to executors.
    • Post restrictions: Enable it and the executor can only process forms submitted by corresponding subordinates. For example, in the figure below, when Post restrictions are enabled for B and C, then forms submitted by A can only be reviewed by B and C.
    • Designated position: Select a position and grant corresponding permissions to the executor. For example, assign department manager of R&D to D in test department, then D can review forms submitted by A and B.
    • Designated staff: Select a staff, and then the executor can only review forms submitted by the designated staff.
    • Unlimited: No restrictions on the executor.
  1. Select executor types.

The task will be sent to both selected types of and designated executors.

  1. Click Confirm.


A subprocess is a part of a workflow. It is generally started with a signal event and triggered by signals thrown by multiple tasks in main process.



Gateway decides how subsequent process is proceeded based on different gateway types.

  • Exclusive: Execute only one subsequent branch process that meets the requirements.

Branches after an exclusive gateway must be configured with conditions.

  • Parallel: Execute all subsequent branch processes without any conditions.

Multiple branches before parallel gateway are available and subsequent processes will only be executed after all pre-branches are finished.

  • Inclusive: Execute subsequent branch processes that either meet the requirements or without any conditions.

Setting Condition

Click the connection lines after the gateway to set conditions of corresponding branch.

  • Assignee: Allows you to select a receiver for the subsequent process on the linked page of last step.
  • Expression: Set conditions to decide whether to execute subsequent processes.


The element that ends the workflow.

  • End event: End the current branch process.
  • Terminate event: Terminate the whole workflow. When used in a sub-process, enable Terminate all to end the whole process. Otherwise, only the sub-process is ended.

Connection Line

Connects steps and tasks to make sure the workflow proceeds in correct order.


A task can be connected to one or more tasks, and when necessary, subsequent reviewer can revoke the task to previous submitter.

AssigneeAllows you to select a receiver for the subsequent process on the linked page of last step.
Reject lineEnable it and the reviewer can revoke the process to previous submitter.

When there are multiple executors on the last task, enabling Reject line ensures that only the previous submitter receives the revoked task.

OrderAvailable for connecting multiple subsequent tasks. You can set the order of each subsequent task.