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Version: 4.2

Creating a Page

  1. Double-click or hover over the page, and then click at the upper-right corner.
1Page operationPreview/save the page or copy the page URL for quick use in script.
2Tool barTools used during page design.
3Template libraryTemplate libraries that provide templates from Bluetron or your other low-code applications for quick design.
  • Company Libray and Personal Library require Bluetron account login.
  • When the element in Company Libray and Personal Library is less than 100 M, you can directly download it to Native Library > Custom Component Library.
  • When the element in Company Libray and Personal Library is larger than 100 M, download it to local storage and then click Import to import it to supOS.
4Element library
  • Component Library: Contains various elements you can use for your application development. Custom Component Library is the elements you downloaded to local from Bluetron store.
  • Mapping Elements: Custom templates from other low-code appplications.
  • Extension Library: General industrial equipment elements provided by supOS.
5CanvasThe place where you design your application.
6Design operation
  • Attribute: Attributes of the canvas, or the selected element.
  • Interaction: Select event type of the selected element, and set the event to form interaction effect on the page.
  • Right-click Menu: Set functions when right-click the selected element.
7Page functionsSelect elements, change element relations, view page effect and edit page through script.
  1. Click on the canvas, and on the right side, change the canvas attributes as needed.
  • Attribute
    • Basic Settings
      Canvas sizeDisplays the canvas size set during block layout settings. If the block is Flow Layout, you can change its size, and if it is Free Layout, the size is fixed.
      BackgroundEdit the block background color.
      Wheel Scaling
      • Enable it, and then when you scroll the wheel in operation center, the page zooms in or out.
      • Disable it, and then when you scroll the wheel in operation center, the page scrolls up or down.
      Adaptive to the screen
      • Enable it, when elements exceed block margins, the block will adapt its size to contain all elements in operation center.
      • Disable it, when elements exceed block margins, elements that outside the block will be hidden in operation center.

      Only available for free layout.

      Support playbackEnable it, and then you can playback data in operation center by right-clicking the page and selecting playback.

      Make sure datalink elements are added and History is enabled.

      Support draggingSet whether you can drag the block in operation center.
      Display center pointSet whether to display the middle point of elements.

      We recommend hiding the middle point to avoid moving it during dragging.

      Touch-screen OptimizationSet whether to optimize the page display on touch screens.
    • Grid settings Set Color shade change at intervals to 5, and the grid line switches between Grid Color and Dark Line Color every 5 grids.
      how to display grids

      Click on the top tool bar to display or hide grids.

  • Interaction
    1. Click the drop-down list, and then select an event.
      Page InitializationInteractions during page initialization.
      Content ChangeEvents triggered when the current block content changes.
      Content LoadingEvents triggered when the current block is loading.
      Retrieve/Submit/Reject workflow dataGet data of the last node on the workflow.
      Submit workflow dataEvents triggered when submitting workflow.
      Reject workflow dataEvents triggered when workflow is rejected.
      SelectedEvents triggered when selecting the current block.
      Single-clickEvents triggered when clicking the current block.
      Double-clickEvents triggered when double-clicking the current block.
      Interface loadedEvents triggered when interface loaded.
      Component loadedEvents triggered when component loaded.
      OnFocusEvents triggered when pointing to the current block.
      LostFocusEvents triggered when the cursor leaving the current block.
      Upload CompleteEvents triggered when upload is complete.
    2. Click , set event details.
      • Open Link: Open the link in different types of pages or windows when the event is triggered.
      • Close The Window: Directly close the current window when the event is triggered.
      • Script: Write a script to realize certain functions when the event is triggered.

      All custom scripts in Business Designer provide detailed error notifications when errors happen in preview or operation center, including page name, error control,script event name and error information.

    3. Click Finish.
  • Right-click Menu
    1. Click Add options, and then set the right-click event information.
    2. Click Confirm.
  1. Click on an element from the left list, and then click on the canvas.
  2. Select the element and then set its attributes, events and other functions on the right side.

    Different elements require different attribute settings. For details, see Element Details.

  3. Adjust elements using the tool bar to achieve best visual effect.
Click the icon and then click elements on the canvas to select them.
Go back to the last step or go to the next.
Display or hide the scale.
Display or hide the grid on canvas.
Adjust the canvas size.
Display the whole block on the canvas or display the block in full screen.
Press the ctrl key and select multiple elements, and then make them the same width, height or same size.
Enable format brush or dynamic format brush, and then select elements to make them the same format. Only available for graphic elements.
Select three or more elements, and arrange them horizontally or vertically equidistant.
Select two or more elements, and change their alignment.
Ungroup or group the selected elements.
Check connections of all tags on the current page.
Find and replace.
Add data link controls in batches.
Search for dynamic data sources related to the current page. Data sources bound with graphic elements are excluded.
Display elements that have configured with interaction scripts.
  • Check tags connection.
    1. Click , and then click Start Inspection on the pop-up window.
    2. (Optional) Click Edit next to errors after inspection, replace the data source and then check again.
      • Inspection finished is displayed when the connection is normal.
      • No results are displayed when there is no bound data source.
  • Find and replace.
    1. Click , and then enter content you want to find or replace in the pop-up window.

      Data link controls are not available for text replacement.


      You can also click in the textbox to select a tag or property to be replaced.

    2. Set filters as needed and then click Search.
    3. Set the replacement.
    4. Select a replacement mode and then click Replace Preview to view the effect.
    5. Select the found object, and then click Replace Selected.
  • Add datalink in batches.
    1. Click , and then click Add Object Properties to select properties.
    2. Set the display of selected attributes on the canvas, and then click Confirm.

      When the set Integer Digits are more than that of the selected data, the data will be compensated with 0. If less, the data will be displayed as it is. For example, the data is 352.69, Integer Digits is set to 5, the data is displayed as 00352.69. If Integer Digits is set to 2, the data is displayed as 352.69.

  • Data source list.
    1. Click , enter keywords, and then click Query.

      Select a result, the corresponding element is highlighted on the canvas.

    2. Click next to the data source, and then select another data source to replace.

      You can also directly enter a data source name following the naming rules similar to system:Template_550:Instance_551:system:Property_554.

    3. Click Confirm.
  • Script management.
    1. Click .
    2. Select a component from the list, and then click Edit Script to edit the event script.
  1. Click Save to finish design.