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Version: 4.2

All elements provide templates for ease use. Hover over the element, you can see templates appearing on the side, select the template and draw on the canvas to directly use the template.

Chart Overview


Properties of chart elements might be different depending on different layouts.

Chart TypeData TypeData SourceMax. Number of Data SourceLinkage
DashboardNumber, real-time dataObject attribute and SQL data query1-
Line ChartTwo-dimensional array (one of them must be number), history data or relational dataNumeric object attribute, service and form template and SQL data query20Links with input boxes, drop-down boxes, date controls, radios and checkboxes.
Spline Chart8
Histogram/Bar Chart1
Spc Chart1
Spider Chart8
Annular Chart2
BubbleThree-dimensional array (two of them must be number), history data or relational dataObject attribute, service, form template and SQL data query8
XRangeTwo-dimensional array (one of them must be number or date)Service, form template and SQL data query--

Free Layout

This section introduces general properties of charts, and for special properties of each chart, refer to specific chapters.

  • Basic information
IDAutomatically generated. Used as identifier in scripts.
X/YCenter coordinate of the element.
W/HWidth and height of the element.
Display LevelThe relative display level of the element on the canvas when overlapping. The larger the number, the more front the element is displayed.
VisibleSet whether the element is visible in operation center.
SelectableSet whether the element can be selected.
RefreshEnter a number to refresh the chart at the set interval.
TitleSet the visibility, name and style of the chart title and subtitle.
Chart StyleDifferent according to different types of charts. For details, see descriptions under each chart element.
  • Background color of the chart element and data area.
  • Stroke width, color and filleted corner size.
  • Margins from all sides between the chart and element border.
RemarkSet whether to display remarks at the lower-right corner of the chart and enter the content.
Custom ExtensionWrite custom script (HighChart available) to extend chart element functions.

Configuration validity priority: Interaction script > custom script > property panel.

  • Data source
Select data sourceSelect chart data source from object template, instance attribute and SQL data query.

Click to add multiple data sources.

DimensionX axis data of the chart.

If the data source is an object service, make sure to set the return value type to JSON. Otherwise, X/Y axis data is not optional.

DataY axis data of the chart.
  • Select a field from the data source to be the Y axis.
  • Select the chart type.
  • Select the display name of the field.
  • Enter the custom field diaplay name and select data display color.

Click to add more Y axis.

  • X axis
  • Category Axis: Displays X axis based on the selected data field.
  • Timeline: Displays X axis as time. You can set the format under Formatting.
Initial ValueSet the initial display value of the X axis. For example, set it to 1, meaning the first value of X axis field will not be displayed.
IntervalInterval of X axis field display. For example, set it to 4, meaning every 4 data items, X axis field is displayed.
StyleSet the X axis display style, such as font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
Axis WidthX axis line width and color.
TitleX axis title and style.
Vertical GridVertical grid on the chart and its style.
Front SightSet whether to display the front sight when mouse moves over a point. If enabled, you can set its style.
Vertical TextSet whether to display scale values vertically.
  • Y axis
Axis DisplaySelect the Y axis type from Single Axis and Multiple Axis. For Multiple Axis, each data source is independent and the range is self-adaptive based on all data sources.
Axis WordScale style, including font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
HeadletterY axis title style, including font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
Y Axis
  • Select whether to display axis title, set title name and the color of the title, scale line and axis line.
  • Axis Width: The width of the axis line.
  • Range: Scale range of Y axis.
  • Interval: Interval of Y axis field display. For example, set it to 4, meaning every 4 data items, Y axis field is displayed.
  • Unit: Scale value unit.
  • Set the Y axis position between left and right.
WarningEnable warning value, and set multiple values and their colors for highlighted display.
Horizontal GridHorizontal grid on the chart and its style.
Front SightSet whether to display the front sight when mouse moves over a point. If enabled, you can set its style.
  • Legend
StyleLegend style, including font family, size, weight, italic, color and color when hovered over.
Alignment/LayoutLegend alignment and position relative to the chart.
Bottom margin of legend entryDistance between legend and the bottom of the chart.
Background/Filleted Corner/StrokeColor, filleted corner size and stroke style of legend background.
  • Label
FormatLabel content, and when the label contains number, you can set the decimal digits.
StyleLabel font family, size, color and alignment relative to the data point.
Inner SpacingDistance between the label and corresponding data point.
Horizontal/Vertical OffsetHorizontal and vertical offset between the label and corresponding data point.
Background/Filleted Corner/StrokeColor, filleted corner size and stroke style of legend background.
Allow overlapWhether to allow labels to overlap.
  • Tooltip: Displays data source information when mouse hovers over the element.
FormattingTooltip display style. When setting it to Custom, you can set the tooltip style.
TitleTooltip title style, including font family, size, color and background color.
ContentTooltip content style, including font family, size and color, tooltip background color, filleted corner size, stroke color and width.

Line Chart

Line charts are often used to display continuous data changes along time. Applicable for viewing data changing trends.


Spline chart is similar to line chart. Spline chart supports lateral display.

  • Drill-down column: When the data source is relational data, you can add a drill-down column field, and then by clicking a data point on the chart, more detailed data is displayed.
  • Chart Style
Ladder TypeLadder formed from data points and lines between points. Select the relative position of data points on the connection line. Null means direct connection between points.
Line styleConnection line type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
Marker ColorNode color and node border color.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Switch typeWhether to display the chart type switching drop-down box at the upper-right corner to enable type switching in operation center.
Backend NameWhether to allow user to use the returnewd value as the data name (fixed parameter: trailingShowName).


Often used to compare values at different times or under different conditions.

Column TypeHow columns are displayed on the canvas based on the selected data source.
Column StyleColumn width, filleted corner and column border width.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Lateral DisplaySwitch the columns display direction between lateral and vertical.
Switch typeWhether to display the chart type switching drop-down box at the upper-right corner to enable type switching in operation center.
Backend NameWhether to allow user to use the returnewd value as the data name (fixed parameter: trailingShowName).


Emphasizes the extent to which the data changes during a period.

Area TypeHow area is displayed on the canvas based on the selected data source.
Area StyleArea line type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
Marker ColorNode color and node border color.
Mark MaximumWhether to display the maximum value, and the value display style.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Lateral DisplaySwitch the columns display direction between lateral and vertical.
Switch typeWhether to display the chart type switching drop-down box at the upper-right corner to enable type switching in operation center.
Backend NameWhether to allow user to use the returnewd value as the data name (fixed parameter: trailingShowName).


Dashboard binds with numeric real-time data.

Data ColorData color displayed on the dashboard.
StyleColors of the dashboard dial, scale, value font and edge.
RangeRange of the dashboard.
AngleStart and end angle of the dashboard. When they add up to 360°, a circle is formed.
Panel SizeDashoboard size.
Lateral/Longitudinal OffsetDashboard position horizontally and vertically.
Inner DialRadius of the dashboard inner edge.
Dial WidthWidth of the dashboard edge.
Total Number of ScalesThe number of scales on the dashboard.
Scale LengthLength of the scale lines.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Arc on both sidesWhether to display the edge of the data part as arc.


Guage binds with numeric real-time data.

  • Chart Style
StyleColors of the guage dial, scale, value font and edge.
RangeRange of the guage.
AngleStart and end angle of the guage. When they add up to 360° (neither can exceed 180), a circle is formed.
Panel SizeGuage size.
Lateral/Longitudinal OffsetGuage position horizontally and vertically.
Inner DialRadius of the guage inner edge.
Dial WidthWidth of the guage edge.
Total Number of ScalesThe number of scales on the guage.
Scale LengthLength of the scale lines.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Connect scaleSet whether to connect the start and end of the guage border.
Arc on both sidesWhether to display the edge of the data part as arc.
  • Pointer
Needle WidthPointer width.
Needle TipWidth of the pointer tip.
PointerPointer length.
Pin TailLength of the pointer tail.
Pointer ColorPointer color.
StrokeWidth and color of the pointer border.
Center DiameterDiameter and color of the pointer pivot.
StrokeWidth and color of the pointer pivot border.
  • Custom Axis
Grid WidthAxis width.
Grid ColorAdd multiple color sections to the axis and set specific positions (0-1). For example, add a red section and set its position to 0.5, the top and bottom of the axis will be red (0 means left and 1 means right).
  • Identification Area
Start/End ValueThe start and end value of the identification area on the axis.
Identification Area WidthArea width on the axis.
Gradient PositionArea color. Gradual color change is available.


Displays data distribution.

Bubble ratioDisplay size of bubbles.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.


Displays data distribution.

NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
SizeScattered point size.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Regression LineWhether to display the fitted regression line between scattered data points.
Connection PointWhether to connect all the data points.


Displays the ratio between each section of data and the whole.

TypeSelect between normal pie chart and pie chart with different section radius based on the data source.
Inner DiameterSet the radius of the inner circle around the origin.
MarginDistance between pie sections.
DistanceSet the distance between the pie chart and the chart area border.
ColorColor scheme of the pie chart.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.


Often used to display the data decreasing. Funnel chart automatically sorts the data, and for different sorting sequence, you can convert the funnel chart to a pyramid.

TypeSelect between funnel chart and pyramid.
Neck Width/HeightThe width and height of the funnel neck part.
Border WidthSet the border width and color of the funnel chart.
ColorColor scheme of the pie chart.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Spider Chart

Mainly used to evaluate each index of a data set. X axis represents index variables and Y axis stands for the distance between the origin to each data point, which indicates the evaluation of each index.

  • Data Source
Line ColorSection border line color of the spider chart.
Area ColorSection color of the spider chart.
  • Chart Style
Line StyleLine type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
Marker ColorNode color and node border color.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
PercentageWhether to display the data of each section in percentage.

Annular Chart

  • Central Title: Unavailable for multiple data sources.
FormatSelect title displayed in the center of the annular chart between value and name.
StyleTitle style, including font family, size, weight, italic, alignment and color.
SubtitleWhether to display subtitle displayed in the center of the annular chart under Title.
Subtitle styleSubtitle style, including font family, size, weight, italic, alignment and color.
  • Chart Style
TypeSelect between normal annular chart and pie chart with different section radius based on the data source.
Inner DiameterSet the radius of the inner circle around the origin.
Internal Ratio
MarginDistance between pie sections.
DistanceSet the distance between the annular chart and the chart area border.
ColorColor scheme of the annular chart.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Spc Diagram

Analyzes and judges whether the procedure is stable. The spc diagram has uppr and lower limits.

Line StyleLine type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
Marker ColorNode color and node border color.
SPC Chart Type
  • Individual Value Chart: Displays history data points.
    • Broken line: Value of history data points.
    • UCL/LCL: Sigma line added 3 to/deducted 3 from mean value.
    • Middle line: Numeric average value of a set of data.
    • Supports open API and obtain corresponding data from APIs.
    • Displays normal and abnormal nodes (consecutive 7 nodes going up or down).
  • Range Chart
    • Broken line: Absolute value of the difference between the maximum and minimum value.

      You need to select a mobile parameter n (moving range).

    • Middle line: Numeric average value of a set of data.
    • UCL: Sigma line added 3 to mean value.
    • LCL: 0.
Decimal PlacesSecimal places of the data.
Color ErrorColor of abnormal data.
Specific Line StyleSet the style for each specific line, including line type, width and color.
Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Bar Chart

Accurately displays data distribution. You can distribute data to multiple sections, and integrate data distribution in each section.

Enable full screenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Fitted LineSet whether to display the fitted line (normal distribution line).

Progress Bar

StyleProgress bar type.
  • Horizontal Progress Bar allows you to set whether to display the scales.
  • Both Water-drop Progress Bar and Circular Progress Bar require only one data source.
Data LayoutThe way to display related information on progress bar, including title, data and progress.
Chart StyleSet the background color of the progress bar.
Data HeaderTitle style of the progress bar.
Progress ValueProgress style of the progress bar. You can also set it to be displayed inside each bar.
Display DataStyle of current and total data of each bar.


Gantt chart tracks tasks and corresponding schedules.

Data Source
  • Data Source: Service, SQL data query or multiple attributes of form template.
  • Range: The actual range (date or integer) of the task or plan on Gantt chart (only when data source is form template).
  • Planned Range: The planned range (date or integer) of the task or plan on Gantt chart (only when data source is form template).
  • Data: Y axis. String type of field is optional for form template data source.
Chart Style
  • Enable full screen: Whether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
  • Multi-level Data: Whether to display the sub-level data.
X Axis
  • Timeline: DATE/DATETIME type of data returned from a service or SQL query, or from template attributes.
  • Linear: Integer type of data returned from a service or SQL query, or from template attributes.

Grid Layout

This section introduces general properties of charts, and for special properties of each chart, refer to specific chapters.

  • Basic information
IDAutomatically generated and can be changed. Used as identifier in scripts.
  • Default Position: Current position and will be adjusted automatically based on screen resolution.
  • Absolute Position: You can drag the element to a fixed position (upper-left corner by default).

    Absolute Position is recommended to work with fixed size elements.

  • Fixed Width And Height: Fixed element size and when it exceeds the window, scroll bar is used.
  • Fit Window: Element size is the same as its parent window.
W/HWidth and height of the element. The unit can be percentage or pixel.
Z-indexThe relative display level of the element on the canvas when overlapping. The larger the number, the more front the element is displayed.
TitleSet the visibility, name and style of the chart title and subtitle.
Chart FormatDifferent according to different types of charts. For details, see descriptions under each chart element.
  • Background color of the chart.
  • Stroke width, color and filleted corner size.
  • Margins from all sides between the chart and element border.
RemarkSet whether to display remarks at the lower-right corner of the chart and enter the content.
  • Data source
Select Data SourceSelect chart data source from object template, instance attribute and SQL data query.

Click to add multiple data sources.

DimensionX axis data of the chart.

If the data source is an object service, make sure to set the return value type to JSON. Otherwise, X/Y axis data is not optional.

DataY axis data of the chart.
  • Select a field from the data source to be the Y axis.
  • Select the display name of the field.
  • Enter the custom field diaplay name and select data display color.

Click to add more Y axis.

  • Legend
PositionLegend position relative to the chart.
SizeLegend size, including legend icon and text.
StyleLegend style, including font family, size and color.
  • X axis
  • Category Axis: Displays X axis based on the selected data field.
  • Timeline: Displays X axis as time. You can set the format under Format.
AxisLine color of the X axis.
IntervalInterval of X axis field display. For example, set it to 4, meaning every 4 data items, X axis field is displayed.
StyleSet the X axis display style, such as font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
TitleX axis title and style.
Vertical GridVertical grid on the chart and its type and width.
Vertical TextSet whether to display scale values vertically.
  • Y axis
Axis LabelScale style, including font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
Title FontY axis title style, including font family, size, weight, italic and italic angle.
Y Axis-1
  • Select whether to display axis title, set title name and the color of the title, scale line and axis line.
  • Range: Scale range of Y axis.
  • Interval: Interval of Y axis field display. For example, set it to 4, meaning every 4 data items, Y axis field is displayed.
  • Unit: Scale value unit.
  • Set the Y axis position between left and right.
WarningEnable warning value, and set multiple values and their colors for highlighted display.
Horizontal GridHorizontal grid on the chart and its style.
  • Label
Numerical ValueLabel content, and when the label contains number, you can set the decimal digits.
StyleLabel font family, size, color and alignment relative to the data point.
BackgroundColor, filleted corner size and stroke style of label background.
ShadowWhether to add shadow to the label background.
Allow overlapWhether to allow labels to overlap.
  • Tooltip: Displays data source information when mouse hovers over the element.
StyleTooltip display style.
BackgroundColor, filleted corner size and stroke style of tooltip background.
ShadowWhether to add shadow to the tooltip background.
  • Interact: Set interaction events. For details, see Interaction.

Line Chart

Line charts are often used to display continuous data changes along time. Applicable for viewing data changing trends.


Spline chart, area chart are similar to line chart.

Line styleConnection line type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Landscape DisplayEnable to switch X and Y axis, and the chart changes to horizontal view.
CrosshairSet whether to display crosshairs when mouse moves.

Column Chart

Often used to compare values at different times or under different conditions.

Column TypeHow columns are displayed on the canvas based on the selected data source.
Rounded CornerSize of the rounded corner of columns.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Landscape DisplayEnable to switch X and Y axis, and the chart changes to horizontal view.
CrosshairSet whether to display crosshairs when mouse moves.


Dashboard binds with numeric real-time data.

Data ColorData color displayed on the dashboard.
StyleColors of the dashboard dial, scale, value font and edge.
RangeRange of the dashboard.
AngleStart and end angle of the dashboard. When they add up to 360°, a circle is formed.
Scale StyleFont family, size, weight and italic of the scale.
Lateral/Longitudinal OffsetDashboard position horizontally and vertically.
Inner RadiusRadius of the dashboard inner edge.
Dial WidthWidth of the dashboard edge.
Scale LengthLength of the scale lines.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.


Speedometer binds with numeric real-time data.

  • Chart Format
StyleColors of the speedometer dial, scale, value font and edge.
RangeRange of the speedometer.
AngleStart and end angle of the speedometer. When they add up to 360° (neither can exceed 180), a circle is formed.
Scale StyleFont family, size, weight and italic of the scale.
Lateral/Longitudinal Offsetspeedometer position horizontally and vertically.
Inner RadiusRadius of the speedometer inner edge.
Dial Border WidthWidth of the speedometer border.
Scale/Minor Scale LengthLength of the scale lines.
Total Number of ScalesThe number of scales on the speedometer.
Scale OffsetOffset of scale size relative to standard dial size. The larger the value, the larger the dial.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Connect ScaleSet whether to connect the start and end of the speedometer border.
  • Pointer
Pointer WidthPointer body width.
Pointer TipWidth of the pointer tip.
PointerPointer length.
Pointer TailLength of the pointer tail.
Pointer ColorPointer color.
StrokeWidth and color of the pointer border.
Center DiameterDiameter and color of the pointer pivot.
StrokeWidth and color of the pointer pivot border.
  • Identification Area
Start/End ValueThe start and end value of the identification area on the axis.
ID Zone WidthArea width on the axis.
Gradient PositionArea color. Gradual color change is available.

Bubble Chart

Displays data distribution.

Data SourceAside from general information, select a field to be the bubble size source and set its color.
Chart Format
  • Full Screen: Whether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
  • Landscape Display: Enable to switch X and Y axis, and the chart changes to horizontal view.
  • Crosshair: Set whether to display crosshairs when mouse moves.

Scatter Plot

Displays data distribution.

Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.
Landscape DisplayEnable to switch X and Y axis, and the chart changes to horizontal view.
CrosshairSet whether to display crosshairs when mouse moves.


Displays the ratio between each section of data and the whole.


Annular Chart is similar to pie chart.

ColorColor scheme of the pie chart.
Inner RadiusSet the radius of the inner circle around the origin.
MarginDistance between pie sections.
Inner Cake RatioSum of inner section ratio. It is 100% by default.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Funnel Chart

Often used to display the data decreasing. Funnel chart automatically sorts the data, and for different sorting sequence, you can convert the funnel chart to a pyramid.

TypeSelect between funnel chart and pyramid.
Neck Width/HeightThe width and height of the funnel neck part.
Border WidthSet the border width and color of the funnel chart.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Spider Chart

Mainly used to evaluate each index of a data set. X axis represents index variables and Y axis stands for the distance between the origin to each data point, which indicates the evaluation of each index.

Line StyleLine type and width.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
  • Shape Loops(Between Lines): For multiple data sources. Nodes on different lines changes based on the default order.
  • Uniform Shape: All nodes are the same shape.
RefreshRefresh interval of the chart.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Spc Diagram

Analyzes and judges whether the procedure is stable. The spc diagram has uppr and lower limits.

SPC Chart Type
  • Individual Value Chart: Displays history data points.
    • Broken line: Value of history data points.
    • UCL/LCL: Sigma line added 3 to/deducted 3 from mean value.
    • Middle line: Numeric average value of a set of data.
    • Supports open API and obtain corresponding data from APIs.
    • Displays normal and abnormal nodes (consecutive 7 nodes going up or down).
  • Range Chart
    • Broken line: Absolute value of the difference between the maximum and minimum value.

      You need to select a mobile parameter n (moving range).

    • Middle line: Numeric average value of a set of data.
    • UCL: Sigma line added 3 to mean value.
    • LCL: 0.
Line StyleLine type and width.
Decimal PlacesSecimal places of the data.
Specific Line StyleSet the style for each specific line, including line type, width and color.
NodeNode type, size and stroke width.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.


Accurately displays data distribution. You can distribute data to multiple sections, and integrate data distribution in each section.

Fitting LineSelect the fitting line type.
Full ScreenWhether to display the full screen icon at the upper-right corner to enable full screen in operation center.

Progress Bar

StyleProgress bar type.
  • Horizontal Progress Bar allows you to set whether to display the scales.
  • Both Waterdrop Progress Bar and Circular Progress Bar require only one data source.
Chart StyleSet the background color of the progress bar, and whether to enable full screen.
Data TitleTitle style of the progress bar.
Progress ValueProgress style of the progress bar. You can also set it to be displayed inside each bar.
Show DataStyle of current and total data of each bar.

Form Library

This section describes general properties of form elements.

General Attributes

  • Attribute
IDAutomatically generated. You can use it for writing scripts.
Component NameElement name. It cannot be repeated.
X/YCenter coordinate of the element.
W/HWidth and height of the element.
Display LevelRelative display priority of the element. The higher the level, the more front the chart is displayed.
VisibleSet whether the element is visible in operation center.
SelectableSet whether the element can be selected.


Used only for static display. The line is horizontal by default.

Line DirectionSelect to display one side line of the rectangle you drew on the canvas after selecting Line from the left side. For example, set Line Direction to Left, a vertical line on the left side of the rectangle you drew is displayed.
Line StyleLine type, size and color.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.


Mainly displays text and background.

  • Component Style
Content Source
  • Static Options: Manually enter the label content.
  • Dynamic Options: Link a dynamic data source.
Label Content
  • Static Options: Select the content text type and enter the label content.
  • Dynamic Options: Select a data source, a display field and data index as content.
    what is data index

    Index of returned data. For example, the returned array is ['a','b','c','d'], when setting index to 0, 'a' is the label content.

Content StyleContent font family, size, weight, italic, unit, text alignment and color.
Mouse StyleSet cursor style when it hovers over the label in operation center.
Required IDSet whether it is required. If it is, a red * is displayed in front.
Beyond TruncationWhether to display more content that exceeds the label as ....
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Background
Background ColorSet the label background color.
MarginDistance between the label content and label window border on all 4 directions.
StyleLabel window border line type, size and color.

Hidden Field

Visible in design center but not in operation center. Hidden area is often used for collecting or sending information and data delivery.

Default ValueSet the default value of the hidden area with a data type of string.

Input Box

As input parameters, often used to be linked with tables or reports for associated query.

  • Title: Set the title name and style of the input box, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Component Style
PlaceholderEnter placeholder of the input box, and set its style.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Background ColorSet background color of the input box, and set its style.
The Maximum LengthThe maximum length of entered text.
Multi-rowSelect input text lines between Single Row or Multi-row.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.

As input parameters, often used to be linked with tables or reports for associated query.

  • Options
Dynamic OptionsClick Bind data source to select a dynamic data source as the drop-down options.
Static OptionsClick Add options to manually enter options to be the drop-down list.
  • Title: Set the title name and style of the drop-down box, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Pagination: Select whether to display pagination and set page size.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
PlaceholderEnter placeholder of the drop-down box, and set its style.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Background ColorSet background color of the drop-down box, and set its style.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Multiple ChoiceWhether to allow multiple choice for the drop-down box.
Dynamic SearchWhther to enable fuzzy matching when searching for options.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.


Provides related data sets for selection.

  • Options:Click Bind data source to add a data source for the cascader.
  • Title: Set the title name and style of the cascader, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
StyleSet the style of cascader content.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Background ColorSet background color of the cascader, and set its style.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.


  • Options
Dynamic OptionsClick Bind data source to select a dynamic data source as radio options.
Static OptionsClick Add options to manually enter options to be radio options.
  • Title: Set the title name and style of the drop-down box, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
Text StyleFont family, size and color of the radio option text.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Radio Type
  • Conventional: Traditional radio icon, and you can set the selected color for the icon.
  • Button: Change the option icon to buttons, and set the button styles.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Vertical ArrangementWhether to arrange all options vertically.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.
### Checkbox
  • Options/Title/Refresh: Same as Radio.
  • Component Style
Text StyleFont family, size and color of the checkbox option text.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Select AllWhether to allow selecting all options.
Check Box
  • Null: No checkbox icon before options, and you can set the selected text and background color for the option.
  • Have: Checkbox icon before options, and set the selected option color.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.

Date Picker

As input parameters, often used to be linked with tables or reports for associated query. Input format can be date, time or date and time.

  • Title: Set the title name and style of the drop-down box, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Component Style
Text StyleFont family, size and color of the selected date text.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Date TypeSelect the date type, and set corresponding Date Format and Initial Value.
Background ColorSet background color of the date picker, and set its style.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.


Triggers click events, such as click to search and click to open another page.

  • Component Style
TextEnter the text displayed on the button and set its styles.
Background ColorSet background color of the date picker, and set its style.
IconSelect the icon displayed before the button text, and set the icon size and position.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Print HiddenWhether to hide the button when printing.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.
EnabledWhether to disable the button.
  • Button Group Configuration

By switching between multiple buttons, you can use one process workflow or graphic group to display different data.


The button group function is only available for graphic elements.

  1. Select graphic elements and then set their dynamic effects. For details, see Dynamic Effect.

  2. Select those graphic elements, and then right-click to group them.

  3. Add a button on the canvas.

  4. Click the button, and then click Configure Point Groups under Interact.

  5. Click Configure in the pop-up window, and then select a data source to replace the original one. Do the same for multiple buttons.

  6. After configuration, you can click different buttons to view corresponding data and dynamic effects in operation center.


Displays hierarchical relations between equipment. Generally the tree element is used together with factory models. You need to write script for each node on the tree to link with designed pages.


Make sure you have installed factory model APP in the supOS platform before binding a tree element with a factory model.

  • Data Source: Data source for tree element display.
  • Title: Tree title.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
Selected BackgroundBackground color of selected node.
Selected ColorText color of selected node.
Selected FontText font size of selected node.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
SearchWhether to add search box for the tree element.
ExpandWhether to expand the tree in operation center.
Selected by defaultWhether to select the root node by default.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.

Single List

Switch and display multiple pages in the form of parallel menus.

  • Data Source: Select a data source with multiple fields for the list, and select one field for display.
  • Title: List title and its styles.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
StyleList text style, including font family, size, weight, italic, alignment and color.
Background ColorBackground color of the list.
Selected ColorBackground color of selected item.
BorderBorder line type, width and color.
Row HeightHeight of each item row.
Confirm IconWhether to display a confirm icon, and you can upload other icons.


Displays large amount of structured data and often linked with buttons, input boxes for data linkage. The data source can be database tables or services of the bound object properties. You can integrate, search for and export important system and on-site data.


Data inside table cells can be links, buttons, images or time.

  • Data Source: Data source for table display.
  • Title: Table title and its styles.
  • Header
Background ColorHeader background color and header text font family, size and color.
Runtime DisplayWhether to allow adjusting header items in operation center by displaying a drop-down list at the upper-right corner.
Add HeaderManullay add header or select header from the added data source fields.
Fixed HeaderFreeze the table header.
about adding header
Field/Display nameSet the field name and display name on the table.
WidthColumn width on the table. If left empty, all columns will be the same width.
AlignmentThe text alignment of both table header and body.
Display tipsWhether to display tips when cell content exceeds the column width and mouse hovering over it.
Data TypeData type of the current column.
Data Rendering

Enter functions to render original data. Input parameters are text (current data), row (current row), index (subscript of current row), tableData (all data of current table). For example,

return text; //return the rendered data
FilterWhether to enable filter on the table. You can add multiple keywords or conditions to specify the search.
  • Unavailable for data source from services or SQL query.
  • If one field is configured with both filter and data linkage, filter takes priority.
Backend SortingWhether to enable sorting. Unavailable for data source from services or SQL query.
Default display at runtimeWhether to display the current field by default in operation center.
  • Table Body
Background ColorSet background color of the table body, and set the table content style.
Single Row Color/Double-line ColorSet the background color of the table odd and even rows.
Selected Line ColorBackground color of selected rows.
Scroll Bar BackgroundBackground color of the scroll bar.
Border/Outer BorderSelect whether the table has both inner and outer border and set their styles.
Table HeightHeight of table columns.
OptionalWhether to allow selecting columns on the table.
Column Width AdjustmentWhether to allow adjusting column width in operation center. Width will restore to the original once refreshing the page.
  • Pagination
Page SizeNumber of items displayed on one page.
Pagination PositionWhere the page number is displayed.
Page JumpWhether to allow jumping between pages.
Dynamic Number of ItemsWhether to allow changing the number of items on each page in operation center.
Pagination SizeSize of pagination modules.
Background/Text Color/SelectedColor of the pagination modules, text and selected page.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style
Import/ExportWhether to allow import and export table data.
  • For tables that have primary keys, with same keys, the import data replace the original data. Enter NULL for primary key, corresponding data will be deleted.
  • For tables that have no primary keys, the import data will be added to the corresponding database.
  • Make sure fields in the import file are the same as that in the corresponding database. Otherwise, the import will fail.
StyleSet the import and export button styles.
ToolbarSet the background color of the toobar which contains the import and export buttons.
Import and export complex modeNecessary for import and export when the data source is a service, and corresponding paths are required.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.


Uploads pictures for display. General image types are supported and you can directly drag them to the designer.

  • Image: Upload an image.
  • Solid Color: Cover the element with solid color.
Image PathAutomatically generated when uploading pictures. You can also manually enter corresponding URL.
Aspect RatioBackground image display.
  • No Scaling: Displays the image as it is.
  • Width-based: Stretches the image in equal proportion with the same width as the block.
  • Height-based: Stretches the image in equal proportion with the same height as the block.
  • Bespread: The background image covers the whole block.


Used for switching between multiple tabs.

  • Options
Text StyleTab name styles, including font family, size and color.
Dynamic OptionsClick Bind data source to select a dynamic data source as radio options.
Static OptionsClick Add options to manually enter options to be radio options.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Component Style: Set whether to display loading animation in operation center.


Set the interaction event of the element to Upload Complete, and write corresponding script. In operation center, you can directly click the Upload button to upload files.

Button TextEnter the text on the button.
Verification TimingSet whether to apply verification to the element and time.
Upload TypeSelect the supported file type, and corresponding code will be displayed under Format Options.
List TypeTypes of the uploaded file list.
Limited QuantityThe upper limit of uploaded files.
Multiple ChoiceWhether to allow multiple choice for the drop-down box.
Display ListWhether to display uploaded files.
Read OnlySet the read and write status of the element. When set to Read Only, you cannot edit it in operation center.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.

Displays the current page hierarchy. Generally used in multi-level navigation.


Bread crumbs depend on script configuration to render and interaction events to interact.

Allows user to search for contents in need. Fuzzy match is available.

  • Title: Set the title name and style of the search box, including title width, font family, size and color.
  • Data Source
Data Interface
  • Object Service: Click Add data source to add an entity or form service, or an SQL query.
  • Data Link: Enter the Request URL and Request Method to get the data.
Search FiledSearch field key corresponding to the data source.
Count FieldNumber of results field key corresponding to the data source.
Display CountNumber of results to be displayed.
Display FieldField corresponding to the results.
  • Component Style
PlaceholderEnter placeholder of the search box, and set its style.
Background ColorSet background color of the search box, and set its style.
Display LoadingSet whether to display loading animation in operation center.

Make sure the corresponding fields used in request address, method, search field, count field, display count, display field are the same as the data source.


Displays the current date.

  • Style Format: Displayed date style and format.
  • Background: Background color, filleted corner size, border width and color of the element.


Displays the current time.

  • Style Format: Displayed time style and format.
  • Background: Background color, filleted corner size, border width and color of the element.

Controls Library

General Attributes

  • Attribute
IDAutomatically generated. You can use it for writing scripts.
Component NameElement name. It cannot be repeated.
X/YCenter coordinate of the element.
W/HWidth and height of the element.
Display LevelRelative display priority of the element. The higher the level, the more front the chart is displayed.
SelectableSet whether the element can be selected.

Real-Time Alarm and History Alarm

Both alarm elements automatically link with the set alarms in object instances.

  • Real-time alarm: When an alarm is triggered, you can confirm the alarm information in operation center.
  • History alarm: You can view all history alarms in time descending order.
Basic ConfigurationSet the background color of the bottom control bar, alarm list and top title bar and title text color.
RefreshSelect whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.

Drive Video

Displays real-time video and video playback is available.

  • Real Time
AutoplayWhether to play the video automatically when browsing the page.
Video CarouselWhether to enable playing added videos in turn and repeatedly. Click Add video to add up to 5 video sources, and set the playing peroid.
CollectorSelect the collector that collects the video source.
Video ObjectObject instance that represents the video source.
  • Playback
CollectorSelect the collector that collects the playback video source.
Video ObjectObject instance that represents the playback video source.

Video Wall

Binds with multiple video elements and arranges them. You can switch real-time video and history video on each video element in operation center.

  • Layout: Set the number of rows and columns on the video wall. Title: Set the title name and style of the video wall.
  • Real Time
AutoplayWhether to play the video automatically when browsing the page.
Video CarouselWhether to enable playing added videos in turn and repeatedly. Click Add video to add up to 5 video sources, and set the playing peroid.
CollectorSelect the collector that collects the video source.
Video ObjectObject instance that represents the video source.
  • Playback
CollectorSelect the collector that collects the playback video source.
Video ObjectObject instance that represents the playback video source.


Plays uploaded videos.

AutoplayWhether to play the video automatically when browsing the page.
Video CarouselWhether to enable playing added videos in turn and repeatedly. Click Add video to add up to 5 video sources, and set the playing peroid.
Select videoSelect or upload videos.


Time IntervalInterval of timer execution.
Execution CountNumber of time execution.
Run ScriptSelect to run refresh or custom scripts to achieve certain functions.
Immediate ExecutionThe script will be immediately executed after component loading. Enable it and 1 time will be deducted from the Execution Count.

Trend Chart

Binds multiple data sources and records data points at a set time interval to form a trend chart. The trend is dynamically refreshed.


In free layout, trend parameters configured in operation center are saved immediately, but not in grid layout.

Select data sourceSelect a numeric data source. You can select up to 8 data sources and configure different line styles, colors and ranges for them.
Display nameSelect the name for the data source displayed on the trend chart when hovered over.
Y-Axis DisplaySelect from Quantities and Percentage. Percentage converts from quantity automatically.
Single Y-AxisEnable it to display only one range of Y axis and it integrates all data sources, meaning the upper/lower limit of a single Y axis is the highest/lowest limit from all data sources.

When it is disabled, ranges of all data sources will be displayed on the Y axis interchangeably according to the current selected data source.

Range AdaptationThe Y axis adapts its range according to data value.
Time SpanTime period that the trend chart covers. The default is 8 hours.
List ModeSelect to display multiple properties that are currently opened in tiles or lists.

By default, only two rows are displayed, and you can scroll to view more.

StyleSet colors of chart background, aixs line, border, slider and scale font.
Display toolbarWhether to display toolbar at the bottom.


Data sources of report element can be object instances, templates, service real-time data or relational database, and database can either be from third-party or manually creation. The report element is often linked with buttons, search boxes, input boxes to search for and export important data.

Attribute Configuration

  • Basic Configuration
Fill Type- Replace: Original data is replaced when filling the bound data source. - Insert: A new column or row is added when filling the bound data source.
Scroll BarSet display mode of the scroll bar. When setting to Automatic, data inside the report exceeds the element width and the scroll bar is displayed.
Background ColorSet background color of the element.
Runtime EditingYou can edit the report in operation center. Often used when you need to fill in the report.
Initial LoadWhether to enable automatic loading of the report data in operation center.
Top/Right/Bottom/Left FixedFix the element (size and position) based on its left/right/top/bottom border, and remains the same for different resolution and page position.
Scaling (Small)/Scaling (Large)Font size in the report adapts to the resolution when it increases/decreases.
Sheet PageDisplays sheets on the bottom.
Default PaneWhether to enable default parent cell when adding data source.
  • Mobile: Set the display mode of the report on mobile clients, and it adapts to the client resolution.
more about report

For more operations on report, see Operations on Report.

Web Page

Displays other web pages, designed pages through attributes or services and supOS static resource links.

  • Web Page
Dynamic OptionsClick Bind data source to select a dynamic data source as the web page link.
Static OptionsManually enter a web page link.
MarginDistance between the webpage and the element border.
PaddingDistance between the webpage content and the webpage border.
BackgroundBackground color, border line type, width and color of the webpage.
SandboxWhether to enable a sandbox to test the web page.
De-IframeEnable it and the set pop-up windows are prompted in local browser; if disabled, they are prompted inside the element.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.
  • Title: Set whether to display title and title styles, and margin from all sides.

Binds multiple web pages or images by url and play them in cycles at the set time interval.

  • Settings
Carousel FrequencyTime interval between turns of video carousel.
Forced CarouselWhether to allow video to keep playing when hovered over.
Play SourceSelect images, webpages or supOS internal pages to play.
URLClick to add a URL of an image or webpage. Up to 20 URLs can be added to the carousel.
  • Style
BorderBorder line type, width amd color.
Page-turning ArrowWhether to display the arrow for page turning which allows user to flip pages by clicking the arrow in operation center.
Carousel Page NumberWhether to display page symbols in operation center. You can click the symbol to turn pages.
PreloadEnable it and all pages will be loaded during initialization in operation center. If not enabled, only the first two pages are loaded.


Bind with object services and you can link announcements with the calendar element to remind users. The announcements can be to do tasks or other notifications.

  • Basic Settings
Calendar TypeSelect the displayed calendar type.
Selected by defaultSet the calendar type that is selected and displayed by default.
Background Color/Body FontCalendar background color and text font family.
  • Top Style
Date SizeSize and color of the year at the upper-left corner
Button SizeSize and text color of the buttons at the upper-right corner.
Button StyleButton background color, selected button text color and selected button background color.
  • Head Style: Weekday styles, including font family, size, color and background color, under weekly and monthly calendars.
  • Body Style
Font Size/Background ColorFont size and background color of each day/month on the calendar.
Selected Size/Selected BackgroundFont size and background color of the selected day/month.
Background Of The Day/Color Of The DayBackground color and font color of the current day.
  • Notice: Set the style of notices that are linked with calendar through binding object services.
  • Refresh: Select whether to allow refresh and refresh frequency.

Programmable Component

Design custom elements by writing scripts. For details on building local development enviornment, see Progammable Component.

To Do List

Automatically links with workflows of the current APP, and you can manage all your to-do items through this element.

List Description

  • My To-do List: Displays to do tasks of user.
  • My Completed Tasks: Displays tasks submitted by user.
  • My Request: Displays tasks initiated by user and the current progress can be viewed.
  • My Subscription: Displays tasks subscribed by user and the current progress can be viewed.
  • My Consignation: Displays tasks entrusted by user and it can be cancelled.

Click process links to go to the corresponding workflow details page.

Data Configuration

  • Options
    You can set the content displayed on each list. The table below takes to do list as an example.
  1. Under Attribute List, click to display the item on the list.
  2. Click to set the style of the corresponding field.
NameAttribute name displayed on the list.
ValueName of a component that is on pages related to a workflow.
Column WidthColumn width of the current attribute on the list.
FontFont color, size and family displayed on the list.
PopupWhether to enable popup window for the current attribute, and set its title and window size.
Link PageSelect a page displayed on the popup window.
Page Parameters
  1. Click Add custom attributes to display other custom attributes of the APP on the list. Make sure to enter Component ID of an element on the APP in Value box to link corresponding data.
  • Component Style
PageSizeSet the number of items displayed on each page.
Vertical BorderSet whether vertical border exists and its width, color and type.
Header BackgroundSet the background color, text font family, size and color of the table header.
Table BackgroundSet the background color of the table body.
Single/Double Row ColorBackground color of odd/even rows on the table.
Adaptive Column WidthWhether the column width is adaptive to its parent window.

Graphic Library

The supOS platform provides multiple graphic elements to form different industrial process flowchart. With dynamic effects, you can directly view equipment status through flowcharts.

  • General Attributes
X/YCenter coordinate of the element.
W/HWidth and height of the element.
RotateRotation angle of the shapes, and you click icons to directly flip them.
LayerThe layer where the shape is displayed.
VisibleSet whether the element is visible in operation center.
SelectableSet whether the element can be selected.


Contains irregular shape, circle, rectangle, oval, rounded rectangle, polygon, custom shape, triangle, star and arc.


For irregular shapes, double-click the last point and then double-click the canvas to finish drawing.

  • Basic Attributes
DiameterCircle diameter. For circles only.
GraphicsShape of the custom shape element.
Number of edgesEdges of a polygon. For polygons only.
Starting/End AngleStart and end angle of the arc. For arcs only.
Fillet RadiusFilleted corner size of the rounded rectangle. For rounded rectangles only.
  • Fill: Select the filling color of the shape from Solid Color and Gradient. For Gradient, start and end colors, and gradient type are required.
  • Border: Set whether to display borders of shapes, and their width, color and type.
  • Label: Set whether to display a label at the upper-right corner of shapes, and set the content, content style and background color.
  • Hotspot: Once enabled, Fill color is invalid, and the set hotspot color will be displayed on shape border in operation center when hovered over. For irregular shapes only.

You can set dynamic effects for shapes. For details, seeDynamic Effect.


  • Character
TextContent and style of the text.
Row HeightLine height when wrapping the text.
Vertical TextWhether to display text vertically.
  • Fill: Background color of the text.
  • Label: Set whether to display a label at the upper-right corner of the text box, and set the content, content style, background color and border style.


Connects two graphic elements together.

  1. Drag 2 graphic elements to the canvas.
  2. Click the Edge element, and then click on one graphic element and connect to another one.
  3. Select the connection line, and then set its attributes such as display layer, style and label on the right side.
  4. (optional) Double-click the connection line to add breaking points to it.


Click Upload image on the right side under Fill to add an image to the canvas. You can set labels for it too.


Select the pipe element, and then click on the canvas, double-click the last point to finish drawing.

  • Thickness: Defines the pipeline thickness.
  • Fill: Set the pipe color and center color as highlight.
  • Border: Set the pipe border width and color.
  • Label: Set whether to display a label at the upper-right corner of the pipe, and set the content, content style, background color and border style.

Data Connection

Binds with numeric object property or expressions to display the real-time data of tags. When bound with an object property, you can right-click the element to view the trend chart of tag data in operation center.

Attribute Configuration

  • Character: Set the data value style and line height for multiple lines.
  • Equipment Vibration Analysis: Enter the link of a third-party device vibration analysis spectrogram, and it will be displayed in operation center when viewing a single point trend from the data link element.
  • Fill: Set the pipe color and center color as highlight.
  • Label: Set whether to display a label at the upper-right corner of the element, and set the content, content style, background color and border style.

Data Source Configuration

  1. Double-click the element, and then select an object property or write an expression to be the data source.
  2. Set the data integer digits and decimal places.

When the set Integer Digits are more than that of the selected data, the data will be compensated with 0. If less, the data will be displayed as it is. For example, the data is 352.69, Integer Digits is set to 5, the data is displayed as 00352.69. If Integer Digits is set to 2, the data is displayed as 352.69.

  1. Select the display name of the data in operation center.
  2. Select whether to display data value, unit and tag status in operation center.

Line Segment

Draw line segments on the canvas. You can only draw a horizontal line and turn it around through on the edge.

  • Length: Set the line length.
  • Style: Set the line width, typw and arrow direction.
  • Label: Set whether to display a label at the upper-right corner of the element, and set the content, content style and background color.