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Version: 4.2

Dynamic Effect

Dynamic effects display real-time status of equipment to simulate production process going inside the plant.

what you should know first

Each dynamic effect works on two types of data sources.

  • Object: Click to select an object.
  • Expression: Click to select an object and do simple preprocessing.


Controls whether the graphic element is visible when the selected data source changes.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Visible, and then select a data sopurce.

    You can also select Expression from the drop-down list next to Data Source and write a script.

  3. Select Data Type and set corresponding visibility.
    • Analog Quantity: Select Numeric Type between Quantities and Percentage, and then set the lower and upper limits as conditions for the graphic element visibility.
    • Switching Value: Only True and False for boolean type of data. Set effect for each value and the element displays as configured when the collected data changes.
  1. Click OK.
    As shown in the following figure, when the collected value is between 0-60, the element is visible, and when it is between 60-80, it is invisible.


Controls the horizontal or vertical movement of an element.


In this section, Horizontal Movement is used as an example.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Horizontal Movement, and then select a data sopurce.
  3. Select Positioning.
  • Absolute: Use the current position of the element as position 0.
  • Relative: Presently unavailable.
  1. Select Numeric Type between Quantities and Percentage, and then set the minimum and maximum values and corresponding positions of the element.

    When the set data range is exceeded, the element can only move between the set position range.

  1. Click OK.


Controls the dynamic flashing and flashing color of the element.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Flicker, and then select a data sopurce.
  • Analog Quantity: Select Numeric Type between Quantities and Percentage,a and then set lower and upper limits as conditions for flashing effect of the element.
  • Switching Value: Only True and False for boolean type of data. Set flashing effect for each value and the element displays as configured when the collected data changes.
  1. Set limits and corresponding flashing effects, or switch value and corresponding flashing effects, and then click OK.
    As shown in the following figure, when the collected value is between 0-20, the element is flashing between green and red at a frequency of 500.


Controls the dynamic filling effect of the element.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Fill, and then select a data source.
  3. Select Numeric Type.
  • The filling percentage moves along with the set value. For example, set Minimum Value to 20, and Minimum Fill Percentage to 0, meaning the element starts filling the set color when the data value reaches 20.
  • Select Fill Direction, and the element fills from the set direction.
  1. Set ranges and corresponding colors in different levels for clear notification.
  • We recommend set multiple ranges to improve alarm effect. Fro example, when the data value reaches a dangerous range, set the filling color to red.
  • When the set data range is exceeded, the element filling is in default color.
  1. Click OK.


Controls the dynamic scaling of the element.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Scaling, and then select a data sopurce.
  3. Select Numeric Type, and then set the minimum and maximum values and corresponding scaling ratio and direction.
  • The element scales along with the set value. For example, set as the image has shown, the element scales from 10%-100% when the value is 0 to 80.
  • Select Scaling Direction, and the element scales as the set direction.

The element can only be scaled based on the set ratio in equal proportions.

  1. Click OK.


Controls the dynamic color of the graphic element.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Color, and then select a data sopurce.
  3. Select Data Type.
  • Analog Quantity: Select Numeric Type between Quantities and Percentage, and then set lower and upper limits as conditions for dynamic effect of the graphic element.
  • Switching Value: Only True and False for boolean type of data. Set color for each value and the element displays as configured when the collected data changes.
  1. Click OK.
    As shown in the following figure, when the collected value is between 0-60, the element is red, and when it is between 61-80, it is black.


Controls the line color (open graphic) or border color (enclosed graphic) of the graphic element.


The configuration of line or border color is similar to that of the element color. For details, see Color.


Indicates data source information. You can point to the element and the tooltip appears in operation center.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Tooltip, and then select a Numeric Type.
  • Dynamic Data: Select a data source, and when hovering over the element, the selected data source is displayed.
  • Static Data: Set a tip and when hovering over the element, the set content isdisplayed.
  1. Click OK.



Turn and Scaling cannot be enabled at the same time on the same element.

Controls the dynamic turning angle of the element.

  1. Double-click a graphic element or right-click a grouped element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Turn, and then select a data sopurce.
  3. Select Data Type.
  • Analog Quantity: Set the minimum and maximum values and corresponding turning angles. For example, set Minimum Value and Maximum Value to 20 and 100 respectively, and Corresponding Angle to 0 and 180, meaning the element stays the same when the data value reaches 20 and turns upside down when it reaches 100.
  • Switching Value: Set Rotation Speed, and then select Rotation Timing and Rotation Direction. For example, in the figure below, the element rotates in clockwise at a speed of 30 seconds a cycle when the switching value is True.
  1. Click OK.



For Pipe element only.

Controls the dynamic flow effect of the pipe element.

  1. Double-click a pipe, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  2. Click Flow, and then select a data sopurce.
  3. Select Data Type.
  • Analog Quantity: Set value ranges, corresponding color, flow speed and direction of the pipe flow.
  • Switching Value: Set corresponding color, flow speed and direction of the flow for True and False.
  1. Set Line Length and Interval, and then click OK.
  • The larger the Line Length, the thicker the line is.
  • The larger the Interval, the bigger the space interval between lines.
  1. Click OK.

Text Dynamic Effect

Controls the dynamic display effect of text element.

  1. Double-click a text element, and then click Dynamic to open dynamic effect configuration window.
  • Static Text Content
    1. Click Static Text Content, and then set the content.
    2. Click OK, and the set content is displayed on the text element.
  • Word
    1. Click Word, and then select a data source.
    2. Set ranges and corresponding text contents, and then click OK.

      When the data reaches the set limits, corresponding texts are displayed.

  • Text Display
    1. Click Text Display, and then select a data source.
    2. Select a color, and then click OK.

      The data source value is displayed in the set color.

  • Analog Quantity Display
    1. Click Analog Quantity Display, and then select a data source.
    2. Set ranges and corresponding text colors, and then click OK.

      When the data reaches the set limits, texts are displayed in set colors.

  • Switching Value Display
    1. Click Switching Value Display, and then select a data source.
    2. Set corresponding texts and colors for TRUE and FALSE, and then click OK.

      When the value is TRUE or False, set texts are displayed in set colors.