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Version: 4.0

Object modeling on supOS allows you to digitalize your plant, workshop, staff and equipment into object models.


Object TemplateTemplate of general things in your plant, such as workshop, staff.
Object InstanceSpecific things in your plant, such as furnace, staff Zhang.
Function SetSets of general functions that can be associated with and inherited by linked templates and instances.
Tag ManagementModel category.
Data SetManually created and maintained database on supOS.
Data GroupGroup and manage data permission of object instance attributes.
Task ManagementInformation of subscription tasks.

Object Template vs Object Instance

Refer to the following examples to understand the relation between an object template, an instance and attributes.

TemplateTemplate AttributeInstanceInstance Attribute
Workshop Aproduct volume, electricityFurnace, boiler, shelfFurnace pressure, furnace humidity, boiler temperature, shelf height
FurnaceTemperature, pressure, humidityFurnace AHeight, productivity, consumption
StaffAge, gender, nameStaff ABirth date, post

All template attributes will be inherited by the subordinate instances. For example, from the above staff example, staff A will have attributes including age, gender, name, birth date and post.