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Version: 4.0

Connecting RTD Collector

To connect a real-time data, video streams or alarm data to supOS, you need to perform operations shown as the figure below.

  • Different collectors require different but similar configuration, and RTD collector is used as an example.
  • Add a data source under Global Configuration > Local Storage which stores alarm data before adding an alarm collector.

Adding Collector

  1. Log in to supOS, and then click at the upper-right corner to go to the design center.
  2. Select Collection Node Management > Authentication.
  3. Click , and then enter the corresponding information to add a collector.
  4. Set the Type to Common Collector, and select the Timestamp to be recorded in the data.
  1. Click OK.

Authenticating Collector

Use the UUID generated on supOS, authenticate and connect supOS with the collector.

  1. Log in to X-Collector, and then select RTD Collector > Connection Info.
    what you might be interested

    One collector can upload data to up to 5 supOS platforms simultaneously.

  2. Click Add, and then enter supOS information.
Server configurationsupOS server address
  • For standalone deployment, enter the supOS server address.
  • For cluster deployment, you can click to add and enter up to 5 server addresses in the cluster.

Only TCP protocol is supported.

Communication portLeave it as default. Ports are different depending on data upload method.
Data upload methodSelect from TCP and UDP.
Node infoAuthentication node nameEnter the collector name you created on the supOS platform.
UUIDEnter the collector UUID generated on the supOS platform.
Connection statusDisplays the connection status between the collector and supOS. It is Success after authorization on supOS.
Other configurationR/W statusSet the global read and write status of the collector. You can set different status for each supOS.

To write data back to equipment, set it to R/W.

Redundancy setupSet whether to enable redundancy for the collector and enter group ID and number if enabled.
  • Redundancy ID of both collectors must be the same.
  • Redundancy number of both collectors must be different.

Make sure other information such as server address, port, authentication node and UUID are the same for both collectors.

CacheAutomatic network replenishment. Enable it and set a path for data storage during network failure.
  • It is unavailable when Data upload method is set to UDP.
  • Storage path must be different for different supOS platforms.
  • Make sure the disk size is enough. For example, data that changes by the second of 10,000 tags takes up 7 GB in a day.
Communication encryptionEnter the key generated after enabling encryption during adding collector on supOS to encrypt communication information between supOS and X-Collector.

When the key is changed on supOS, the change takes effect after changing it on X-Collector.

  1. Click Save.

Deletion is prohibited when there is only one supOS platform connected.

Authorizing Collector

  1. Log in to supOS, and then click at the upper-right corner to go to the design center.
  2. Select Collection Node Management > Status.
  3. Select the collector you just added, view the details and then click OK.
    • The collector is connected, and a new instance is created under Object Model Management > Object Instance > Entity Template > Collector Template.
    • An Online property with data type as Bool is generated under the instance, and you can use it in APP designing to indicate collector status (true means online and false is offline).
  • Video collector that is added to supOS platform generates a new instance under Object Model Management > Object Instance > Entity Template > Video Template.
  • Alarm collector that is added to supOS platform generates a new instance under Object Model Management > Object Instance > Entity Template > AE Template.