Get User Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/pending
Query parameter
- appId: App ID.
- username: Required username.
- current: Page number.
- pageSize: Items on the page.
- 200: Successful.
"list": [
"initiator": "zhangsan",
"processId": "1000492908536528",
"processName": "leave note-001",
"startTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"status": 88,
"taskId": "1000492908536529",
"taskName": "Edit",
"url": "Page_0a4f3b38124142cbae4dae62f6664f5a"
"pagination": {
"current": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"total": 0
- 400
"code": 100108503,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108502: pageSize exceeds 500.
- 100108320: User does not exist.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Submit Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/pending
Request body
"taskId": "1000492908536529", //required. String
"username": "test", //required. String
"assigns": [ //assignee list
"taskDefKey": "userTask_123", //node ID
"users": [ //user list
"audit": {
"seqKey": "edge_123", //flow arrow ID
"value": "1"
"comment": "Duration exceeded 5 days, dismiss",
"formData": "{}"
- 200: Successful.
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108240: Permission verification error.
- 100108237: Pending task does not exist.
- 100108213: Pending task executor cannot be empty.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Save Form Data Linked with Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/pending
Request body
"taskId": "1000492908536529", //required. Pending task ID
"username": "test", //required
"formData": "{}"
- 200: Successful.
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108240: No permission.
- 100108237: Pending task does not exist.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Get Details of Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/{taskId}/pending
Query parameter
username: Required.
- 200: Successful.
"companyId": "1000",
"assigns": [
"seqKey": "edge_123",
"taskDefKey": "userTask_123",
"name": "review"
"audits": [
"id": "K1236",
"name": "branch name",
"order": 1,
"value": "1",
"type": 0
"enableComment": true,
"formData": "{}",
"formTempData": "{}",
"initiator": "zhangsan",
"processId": "1000492908536528",
"processName": "leave note-001",
"readonly": true,
"showlog": true,
"multiCompany": false,
"addInstance": false,
"startTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"status": 88,
"taskId": "1000492908536529",
"taskName": "Edit",
"url": "Page_0a4f3b38124142cbae4dae62f6664f5a"
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108240: No permission.
- 100108237: Pending task does not exist.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Get Total Number of Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/pending/total
Query parameter
- appId: App ID.
- username: Required username.
- current: Page number.
- pageSize: Items on the page.
- 200: Returns the total number of pending tasks.
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108240: No permission.
- 100108237: Pending task does not exist.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Get Complete Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/completive
Query parameter
username: Required.
- 200: Returns the complete tasks.
"list": [
"initiator": "zhangsan",
"processId": "1000492908536528",
"processName": "leave note-001",
"reject": false,
"startTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"endTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"taskId": "1000492908536529",
"taskName": "Edit",
"url": "Page_0a4f3b38124142cbae4dae62f6664f5a"
"pagination": {
"current": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"total": 0
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108503: pageSize exceeds the maximum 500.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Get Details of Complete Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/{taskId}/completive
Query parameter
username: Required.
- 200: Successful.
"initiator": "zhangsan",
"processId": "1000492908536528",
"processName": "leave note-001",
"formData": "{}",
"reject": false,
"revoke": false,
"showlog": true,
"startTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"endTime": "2020-09-22T07:38:13.893+0800",
"taskId": "1000492908536529",
"taskName": "Edit",
"url": "Page_0a4f3b38124142cbae4dae62f6664f5a"
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108238: Complete task does not exist.
- 100108214: No permission.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Delegate Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/entrust
Request body
"mandatary": "zhangsan", //required. Entrustee
"username": "test", //required. Entruster
"reason": "business trip",
"taskId": "1000492908536529"
- 200: Successful.
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108505: mandatary cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108237: Pending task does not exist.
- 100108231: Unauthorized delegation.
- 100108218: Cannot delegate repeatedly.
- 100108220: The other party already has permission to perform this pending task.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"
Recall Pending Tasks
http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/p/workflow/v2/tasks/revocation
Request body
"taskId": "1000492908536529",
"username": "test" //required
- 200: Successful.
- 400
"code": 100108502,
"message": "username cannot be empty"
- 100108504: taskId cannot be empty.
- 100108230: User does not exist.
- 100108222: The process has ended.
- 100108232: Cannot withdraw at parallel steps.
- 100108236: The process status has been changed and cannot be withdrawn.
- 100108238: Task does not exist.
- 100108239: No prmission.
- 500
"code": 100000001,
"message": "internal service exception"