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Version: 4.0

Get Real-time Alarms

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/alert/current
Query Parameter
Table 1. Query parameter description
keyWordstringFuzzy match with the name or alias of object and object attribute.
prioritystringAlarm priority.
limitValuestringLImit value of conditions that trigger the alarm.
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : [ {
    "ackDatatimestamp" : 1614670680298, //alarm confirmation time
    "ackStatus" : 0, //alarm confirmation status. 0 means not confirmed and 1 means confirmed
    "ackUserName" : "Emma", //alarm confirmation person
    "alertName" : "uuidde2d4cfaf5af4abe830387fbfe3e0bbf",
    "alertType" : "EQ", //alarm condition. EQ=equal, LT=less than, LE=less and equal, GT=greater than, GE=greater and equal
    "description" : "this is test alarm",
    "disappearedDatatimestamp" : 1614583659860, //alarm cancellation time
    "fullName" : "10801uuidde2d4cfaf5af4abe830387fbfe3e0bbf", //instance alias + alarm alias
    "id" : 11111, //real-time alarm ID
    "newValue" : "11", //value when alarm is triggered
    "oldValue" : "9", //value before alarm is triggered
    "priority" : 5,
    "showName" : "a1", //alarm display name
    "source" : "instance1", //instance alias that triggers the alarm
    "sourcePropShowName" : "attribute1", //attribute name to which the alarm belongs
    "sourcePropertyName" : "attribute1", //attribute alias to which the alarm belongs
    "sourceShowName" : "instance1", //instance name that triggers the alarm
    "startDatatimestamp" : 1614583559860, //alarm start time
    "status" : 1,//alarm status. 1 means alarm is triggered and 0 means alarm cancelled
    "valType" : 0 //attribute type. 0=double, 1=float, 2=long, 3=int, 4=boolean and 5=string
    } ],
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 500: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"

Set Real-time Value of Entity Instance

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/attributes/current 
Request Body
[ { 
"attributeFullPath" : "system.t1.i1.system.p1", //template namespace.template alias.instance alias.attribute namespace.attribute alias
"value" : "666",
"dateTime" : "2021-04-06T16:00+08:00"
} ]
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : [ {
    "ackDatatimestamp" : 1614670680298, //alarm confirmation time
    "ackStatus" : 0, //alarm confirmation status. 0 means not confirmed and 1 means confirmed
    "ackUserName" : "Emma", //alarm confirmation person
    "alertName" : "uuidde2d4cfaf5af4abe830387fbfe3e0bbf",
    "alertType" : "EQ", //alarm condition. EQ=equal, LT=less than, LE=less and equal, GT=greater than, GE=greater and equal
    "description" : "this is test alarm",
    "disappearedDatatimestamp" : 1614583659860, //alarm cancellation time
    "fullName" : "10801uuidde2d4cfaf5af4abe830387fbfe3e0bbf", //instance alias + alarm alias
    "id" : 11111, //real-time alarm ID
    "newValue" : "11", //value when alarm is triggered
    "oldValue" : "9", //value before alarm is triggered
    "priority" : 5,
    "showName" : "a1", //alarm display name
    "source" : "instance1", //instance alias that triggers the alarm
    "sourcePropShowName" : "attribute1", //attribute name to which the alarm belongs
    "sourcePropertyName" : "attribute1", //attribute alias to which the alarm belongs
    "sourceShowName" : "instance1", //instance name that triggers the alarm
    "startDatatimestamp" : 1614583559860, //alarm start time
    "status" : 1,//alarm status. 1 means alarm is triggered and 0 means alarm cancelled
    "valType" : 0 //attribute type. 0=double, 1=float, 2=long, 3=int, 4=boolean and 5=string
    } ],
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 400: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"

Get Real-time Data of Object Attribute


You can get up to 1000 attributes.

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/attribute/current
Request Body
"inputs" : [ "system.t1.instance.system.p1" ] //template namespace.template alias.instance alias.attribute namespace.attribute alias
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : {
    "additionalProp1" : {
    "name" : "system.testExcel.Instance_53.system.p1",
    "status" : "0",
    "timeStamp" : 1614736757547,
    "value" : { }
    "additionalProp2" : {
    "name" : "system.testExcel.Instance_53.system.p1",
    "status" : "0",
    "timeStamp" : 1614736757547,
    "value" : { }
    "additionalProp3" : {
    "name" : "system.testExcel.Instance_53.system.p1",
    "status" : "0",
    "timeStamp" : 1614736757547,
    "value" : { }
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 500: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"

Get History Data of Object Attribute

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/attribute/histories
Request Body
"fill" : { //filter conditions of history data
"strategy" : "previous"
"groupBy" : { //grouping conditions of history data
"time" : "5s,1s"
"limit" : 1, //number of returned data
"offset" : 23, //start query after the set number of data
"order" : "DESC", //sorting rule
"select" : [ "system.testExcel.Instance_53.system.p1" ],
"where" : { //query conditions
"and" : {
"timestamp" : {
"ge" : "2021-03-04T05:04:11Z",
"gt" : "2021-03-04T05:04:11Z",
"le" : "2021-03-04T05:14:11Z",
"lt" : "2021-03-04T05:14:11Z"
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : {
    "results" : [ {
    "datas" : [ [ { } ] ],
    "fields" : [ "time" ],
    "function" : "first",
    "hasNext" : false,
    "name" : "system.testExcel.Instance_53.system.p1"
    } ]
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 500: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"

Execute Entity Instance Service

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/template/{templateNamespace}/{templateName}/instance/{instanceName}/service/{serviceNamespace}/{serviceName}
Request Body
"propName" : "p1"
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : {
    "result" : 44
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 500: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"

Execute Form Template Service

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/template/{templateNamespace}/{templateName}/service/{serviceNamespace}/{serviceName}
Request Body
"propName" : "p1"
  • 200: Successful.
    "code" : 200,
    "data" : {
    "result" : 44
    "detail" : "string",
    "message" : "ok"
  • 500: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"